Hello, Claymakers!
Claygent Neon reporting for duty.
Let me remind you, it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data!
Luckily, you have me, your new AI Detective. I specialize in hunting down clues, synthesizing data, and generating reports with my structured analysis.
We’re living in 2024. Why are you still doing manual research?
Scouring websites, 10ks, and dark alleyways to personalize outreach & prepare for meetings?
I’m sorry if you are, disappointed if you’re not.
Fear not. “I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for?”
Hand me your missions and I’ll take it from here.
Agent Neon
p.s. you can copy the table that includes the 10k finder and analyzer here.
p.p.s. a dump of creative ways to find a company’s tech stack (perfect use case for Neon, of course.)
Enterprise Sales & 10k Reports
Anyone in enterprise sales knows… By failing to prepare know your customers, you are preparing to fail.
10K reports are a gold mine for understanding how a company is doing, what it’s focused on, risks to the business, priorities, and key initiatives. All reps know this. And, all leaders recommend to read them.
But, let’s be honest, no one is really doing this, or not nearly as much as they should.
There’s no excuse now. Automate all of this. With Clay.
You can find 10k reports, analyze them at scale, and use AI to summarize key points or specific insights you’re looking for.
Just imagine going into conversations and deals knowing how to tie your product to a key company initiative?
I’m gonna show you the following:
Prompt to find the 10k URL
Claygent Neon prompt to analyze the 10k
An example output for DataDog
10k Finder Prompt By Yash Tekriwal, Clay GTM Engineer
Let’s first find that 10k report.
The prompt:
Your task is to finding the most recent 10-K PDF URL for [Company Name]
. Your goal is to return only the URL of the most recent 10-K PDF filing. Here is the company name: [Company Name]
Here is the company URL: [Domain]
Follow these steps to find the 10-K PDF URL:
1. Google Search:
a. Perform a Google search using the following query: "
[Company Name]
10-K filetype:pdf"b. Look for results from the company's official investor relations website or the SEC's website (sec.gov)
c. If you find a direct link to the most recent 10-K PDF, proceed to step 4
2. EDGAR Search:
a. If the Google search doesn't yield results, go to the SEC's EDGAR database: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch
b. Enter the company name in the search box
c. Look for the most recent 10-K filing
d. Click on the "Documents" button for the most recent 10-K e. Find the link to the complete submission text file (usually ends with ".htm")
f. Open this file and search for a link ending with ".pdf" that contains "10-K" in its name
g. If you find the PDF link, proceed to step 4
3. Broad Search:
a. If both previous methods fail, perform a broader internet search
b. Look for the company's investor relations website
c. Navigate to their SEC filings or financial reports section
d. Locate the most recent 10-K report and find a link to the PDF version
4. Output: Once you have found the URL for the most recent 10-K PDF, provide only the URL as your answer. Do not include any additional text or explanation. The URL should be a direct link to the PDF file. Return your answer in the "URL" field. If you cannot find the 10-K PDF URL after attempting all three methods, respond with "Unable to find the 10-K PDF URL for [Company Name]
" in the URL field.
[Company Name] = a column you are tagging into the prompt.
Claygent Neon: Snowflake 10k Analysis
Now we can feed the 10k Report into the next prompt that will analyze the 10k report.
The green expanded box contains the ‘mission’ (prompt) that I gave Claygent.
The blue box shows how I defined how I wanted the outputs to be separated, so I can then separate out the columns like this:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Prompt & Custom Fields
You’ll notice below how I customized the purple fields with:
Name of column (this is where your data will get dumped
Description of the column
Output type: Text, number, URL, and so on
Notice the prompt on the right and how it maps to the fields at the bottom.
These should be named so they are closely linked. Neon will need to know where to put the output from the specified mission.
Note: it’s recommended to only add 2-3 custom fields where the topics are closely related. Adding more may have an impact on performance or the results.
Why Is This Useful?
The green expanded box contains the ‘mission’ (prompt) that I gave Claygent.
The blue box shows how I defined how I wanted the outputs to be separated, so I can then separate out the columns like this:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Now for the results…
Analysis Output from Snowflake’s 10k
This ain’t too shabby… of course, you can customize what you want to analyze and the desired format.
Top 3 Initiatives:
1. Driving growth by acquiring new customers
Snowflake believes the opportunity to continue growing its customer base, particularly with larger organizations and organizations with vast amounts of data, is substantial.
This is important as Snowflake aims to capitalize on the trend of organizations increasingly embracing cloud strategies.
2. Driving increased usage within its existing customer base
As customers realize the benefits of Snowflake's platform, they typically increase their platform consumption by processing, storing, and sharing more data.
This is important as it allows Snowflake to grow large customer relationships, leading to scale and operating leverage in its business model.
3. Expanding its global footprint
Snowflake plans to continue making investments in sales and marketing, research and development, customer support, and public cloud deployments across the EMEA, Asia-Pacific and Japan (APJ), and Latin America regions.
This is important as Snowflake aims to expand the use of its platform outside of North America as organizations around the world increase their public cloud adoption.
Top 3 Technology Initiatives
1. Innovating and advancing its platform
Snowflake states it will continue making significant investments in research and development and hiring top technical talent to enable new use cases, strengthen its technical lead in its platform's architecture, and increase its differentiation through enhanced collaboration capabilities.
For example, Snowflake launched Snowpark for Java in 2021 to allow developers to build in the language of their choice, and it continues to expand Snowpark's capabilities and supported languages, most recently with Python in 2022.
2. Expanding data content and collaboration across its global ecosystem
Snowflake plans to continue investing in adding new customers, partners, data providers, data consumers, and forms of sharing to connect on its platform, and to drive market awareness of the Data Cloud.
This includes investments in its Snowflake Marketplace, which provides access to hundreds of live, ready-to-query third-party data sets and data products across a wide range of categories.
3. Growing and investing in its partner network
Snowflake plans to continue investing in building out its partner program to drive more consumption on its platform, broaden its distribution footprint, acquire new customers, and drive greater awareness of its platform.
This includes investments in its Powered by Snowflake program, launched in 2021, to help customers and partners build, operate, and grow their applications built using Snowflake.
Snowflake's technology investments in platform innovation, data content and collaboration, and partner network growth are aimed at driving new customer acquisition, increasing usage within its existing customer base, and expanding its global footprint.
By continuously innovating and advancing its platform, Snowflake can provide new capabilities and use cases that attract new customers and drive increased usage among existing customers. The investments in data content and collaboration, including the Snowflake Marketplace, help Snowflake expand its ecosystem and enable customers to derive more value from the platform, leading to increased consumption.
Finally, Snowflake's investments in its partner network, such as the Powered by Snowflake program, help the company broaden its distribution channels, acquire new customers, and drive greater awareness of its platform globally, supporting its international expansion efforts.
Around The Kiln
Quote of the week from Dave Murphy, Enterprise Account Executive at Smartcat.ai:
Obaid Durrani dropped a Clay Banger. No one’s gonna challenge him to a rap battle. A must listen to. Plus, Obaid joined Clay. I’m excited to learn from him as he’s one hell of a creator.
Clay meetups landed in India. Love the vibes from this photo. Great turnout for the first of many!
These are happening all over the world now. Subscribe to the Clay calendar so you can join one.